Here are some ideas to help you on achieving a healthier body. The first thing we would suggest is to record what you eat, either by paper or digitally. There are many apps out there now that help you easily estimate calories of a dish. You don’t need to be exact, but just have an idea. Also look for a guide matching your body description to find the right amount of calories you should be intaking. Everyone also has specific needs like gaining/losing weight, building muscle, and the like, so also take that into consideration. Jotting down how much you eat gives you an outline of how your meals look and you may or may not have to change how much or what you eat. But some people need this visual outline to actually realize how their diet looks and if it needs changing.Ways to change your diets include rethinking your liquids or going for a more plant based diet. What I mean about rethinking your liquids is to think carefully about what you're drinking. Water is fine as is. It's the juices, sodas, and alcohols that are really high in calories. These are very tricky because drinking is such an easy task. And drinking a large amount is so easy to do in a short amount of time. Try sticking with water mainly, tea is also a very good option. Teas have many various benefits, include weight loss! Vorda's White Peach Oolong Tea can help you with that.
Another thing is to find the key in moderation. If counting calories is not your thing, that’s okay. Just moderate yourself. Too much or too little of anything is usually not good. But moderation is the right amount. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just be stern with the amount and it will lead to good results. Studies have found that people who restrict themselves harshly actually have a harder time maintaining a healthy weight compared to those who were more flexible with their diet.1 It was because the people who were strict with their diet were unhappy, and ended with their diet backfiring. So you don’t have to give up cake or candy, you can also have cheat days. A happy you will lead to a happy and healthy body.