Springtime allergies: 8 tips and tricks to decrease your symptoms

Springtime allergies: 8 tips and tricks to decrease your symptoms

Springtime marks the beginning of warmer weather, the clocks moving forward, and the flowers blooming. Anyone with allergies knows that those beautiful flowers bring an abundance of pollen. For many people pollen is definitely more of an enemy than a friend, making this season somewhat least desirable.

Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel from Unsplash

What are allergies?

To many people allergies give a false appearance of having a cold. It is characterized by nasal congestion, sneezing, runny and itchy nose, watery eyes. Allergies are your body's immune system reacting to substances. When someone is allergic to a particular substance their immune system reacts by producing antibodies called Immunoglobulin E to fight off the allergen. These antibodies move to cells that release a chemical called histamine causing allergy symptoms.

The severity of your allergies varies based on your exposure to stimuli. When you are outdoors there isn't a whole lot you can do because pollen is in the air you breathe. Luckily, this is not the case when you are indoors. When you are indoors you have the power to control your environment, your allergies, and your life. Below are some tips and tricks to help you improve your life living with allergies:

1. Take a shower after large exposure

If you have pollen allergies you know that being around nature can bring more headache than ease. After spending time outdoors you are likely to experience symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, or sneezing. To limit the severity of your symptoms take a shower right when you get home to wash off the pollen. This will ensure that you are not bringing the pollen home with you ending your exposure.

2. Keep car windows closed

Rolling up your windows and keeping them up can impact your allergies tremendously. This will stop outside elements like pollen and grass in the air from entering your car. The majority of people spend between 1 to 3 hours a day in their car. That is 3 hours of time that you get to control your exposure. Roll it up, keep it up, and relish in your newly created safe haven.

Photo by Frankie Lopez from Unsplash

3. Use AC air without air from outside

In a car you can control the temperature, smell, and air. By using recirculated air you are reusing and cooling the same air rather than pulling from outside. This will limit the pollen in the air from entering your car. Keep your car a controlled allergy free environment.

4. Vacuum multiple times a week

By vacuuming you are getting rid of allergens that may be trapped in your carpet. Vacuum once or twice a week to keep your floors clean and allergen free. This is crucial to keeping your home or bedroom an allergen free oasis.

5. Clean pets before letting them on bed

Do you love sleeping right next to your best friend? Your pet that is. You may want to think twice next time you let your furry friend into your bed. Outdoor pets are exposed to all sorts of allergens outdoors. Pollen can attach to their fur just like it does your hair and clothes. Wipe off your pet before letting them into the house and onto your bed. This will get rid of any lingering pollen allowing you both to get your best sleep.

Photo by Brooke Cagle from Unsplash

6. Wash your bedding in hot water weekly

You lay in your bed every night bringing a part of the outdoors with you. Pollen is often transferred onto your pillows, sheets, and blankets without you even realizing. Wash your bedding weekly on the hottest setting you have. Using high heat in the washer and dryer will kill lingering dust mites and remove allergens.

7. Control dust mites

Keep surfaces of your home, work, and car clean and dust free. By keeping these areas clean you are limiting your exposure to dust mites that are a leading cause in allergies for many.

8. Take meds before you have symptoms

In the case of allergies it is crucial to anticipate symptoms before they occur. If you know you are going to be outdoors near nature it is a smart idea to take an antihistamine beforehand. Waiting to treat symptoms until you experience them can leave you miserable and bed ridden feeling as if you have the flu. Prevent your symptoms rather than treat them.

Allergies can cause you much grief and headache if not properly taken care of. These simple easy tips and tricks can make a huge difference in your symptoms. Give them a try and let us know if you see results. We’d love to hear from you!

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