We wanted to do things a bit differently this week and talk about our practices here at Vorda. vörda is Swedish for revere, to regard with respect. We respect everything in life that we use, from the leaves of a bush we may harvest from, to the structures made from the wood of trees. Especially since we harvest incredible botanical ingredients straight from nature for our products, we always harvest carefully, with knowledge and respect for nature to allow us to enjoy the natural wonders of Mother Earth. We enlighten ourselves to become knowledgeable about how to harvest properly and safely for all plant life. In doing so, the plants may still thrive, and none are threatened. This is the care and respect we believe all life forms on Earth need and should receive. One day, we hope everyone can achieve this goal.
We wanted to give more information to our readers and customers on how we are not only trying to inform others on how to be sustainable, but how we ourselves are trying as a company as well. Our three main points that we are going to go over are the materials of our packaging, how some of our products are made, and the materials we use to send out orders. We at Vorda have thought long and hard about each action we take on how to reduce our carbon footprint here on Earth. We are also not perfect; we update and change our ways if we find one that is lacking. If you also notice something we can update on, please don’t hesitate to let us know because we are always looking for more sustainable practices.